Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 tattoos in one year. ohhh 2009.

since my mother didnt say where my tattoo was i thought i would take a post to show them all off.

First is this tattoo, located on the inside of my left arm. Its for my Aunt Linda who passed away. It reads "viva la vida" for long live life, or live the life.

Second, is my Clockwork Orange tattoo. Im a huge Kubrick fan and this is my favorite movie of his. It reminds me that everyone has a dark side to them, and not to trust peoples outside because inside can always be something much worse.

Third, it my inside right arm tattoo. It reads, "If life aint just a joke then why are we laughing?" This is one of my favorite quotes because of how true it is. We shouldnt take everything so seriously, just remember to have fun and enjoy yourself.

Finally, my newest tattoo. It reads, "Don't Criticize What You Can't Understand" This tattoo has many reasons for being on my body. First its a Bob Dylan quote. Second, its to everyone who wants to slam other peoples beliefs like gay marriage, abortions, transgender people, the whole nine yards. Dont criticize something that you cant understand. Period. Have respect to other human beings. But before i start a huge fight with someone i will just show you the picture and be on my way.

Thanks for reading. Merry ChristmaHaunaKwanzika to everyone.


  1. I'm sure you're already plotting your next one! Where will it go and what will it be?

  2. Good reasoning behind all four. I especiall like that you honored your Aunt. Shows class, dude.

  3. I agree with Coffepot!!!! Honoring your Aunt..WOW

  4. Love Tattoos! I don't have any (too chicken) but I love them.

  5. Hmmmm....the only thing that I will add is that, as we evolve through life (and evolving is the purpose of being here), we tend to change a lot of things from friends to beleifs to desires to likes/dislikes -- you name it. Nothing stays the same. Except tattoos. And tattoos that "say" something beyond just beauty and art might be a bit more subject to being changeless and regretable.

  6. Nice sentiment on the latest tat... just remember it works both ways...

  7. Bravo for standing up for what you believe in. Tattoo's with a message are my favorite.

  8. Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!

  9. NICE!

    Visiting from yo-mama's blog - I'm new there too.

    I got a new tat this year, also. 2009 - the year of ink.

    Happy new year!

  10. Sweet tattos the best ones always have an important meaning behind them!
